Discovery News
"Excellent Idea of the day: TB Tracker Halts Disease's Spread" By Jesse Emspak Nov 29, 2012
"Excellent Idea of the day: TB Tracker Halts Disease's Spread" By Jesse Emspak Nov 29, 2012
Written by Audrey Markoff for Microsoft, New England Research and Development center blog. In Boston we don’t think aboutTuberculosis (TB) often, if at all. Like most Americans, you were probably vaccinated, but the scary truth is no one is exempt from…
Written by Bill Thies, Researcher, Microsoft Research India for their blog. In India, I have seen first-hand the faces of those stricken by tuberculosis (TB), one of the world’s deadliest diseases. Every year, 9 million people contract TB and here in…
Nisha lives at the end of a row in the slums of Meethapur. Just beyond her house lie dusty fields interspersed with green pools of stagnant water, filled with rubbish. Dogs lie in the shade, trying to keep cool. We…
Operation ASHA is the winner of the Health-Care IT category in this year’s Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Awards. It was also covered in The Wall Street Journal's print editions on 16th Oct.
September 29th, 2012: Mr. Sandeep Ahuja, CEO, Operation ASHA was invited to address TiEcon 2012, India's biggest entrepreneurial event in Delhi (NCR). TiEcon 2012 Delhi took place on September 28-29th. Mr. Ahuja, spoke on a panel about social entrepreneurship, specifically in…
Mr. Sandeep Ahuja, CEO, Operation ASHA was invited to speak in the 2011 India Development Marketplace (IDM) Annual Event organized by International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank group, in Delhi (NCR). As an IDM 2011 winner, OpASHA was…