“Operation ASHA is like the Microsoft and Infosys of the NGO world.”
Country Director, World Bank, India
“Operation ASHA’s methodology succeeds because of amelioration of all problems: personal, social, economic, health and medical, faced by patients, their families and communities. Only such a 360° methodology can be successful in eradicating TB”
Distinguished Service Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
”Working for Operation ASHA, you can’t help but feel like you’re actually making a difference in people’s lives. Thank you for a truly memorable experience.”
Intern, Operation ASHA, University of California, Berkeley
Operation ASHA is 32 times more cost effective than other NGOs, because “Globally, NGOs spend an average of $852 detecting each patient. By contrast, Operation ASHA spends $80 on both detection and treatment.”
Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC
”I strongly believe in your mission and more importantly your dedication to the cause. It’s inspiring to see the work being done by Operation ASHA.”
EVP, Bank of America/LaSalle Bank, Chicago, IL, USA
”Operation ASHA is the mustard seed of faith that is moving mountains in India”
“Patients using eCompliance are 3.17 times more likely to be cured of tuberculosis (P< 0.05) than other patients”.
Columbia University, USA
“Operation ASHA is doing exceptional work and has been very successful very quickly.”
MD, Family Physician, Chicago, IL
”Operation ASHA is changing the world. It is truly an inspiring program.”
Volunteer, Portland, USA
“Operation ASHA is a good example of work at the community level. I would like to share your work …. so others could follow your lead.”
Regional Adviser – TB, Regional Office for South-East Asia, World Health Organization
“I was fascinated: If this model could be rolled out everywhere where there is TB, we could stop multi-drug-resistant TB and save so many lives! What Operation ASHA does is literally to deliver the elusive “last mile” in service delivery. The mile that lies in between well-intended government programs and results on the ground. And they do it with relentless focus and incredible efficiency. What if we could develop Operations ASHA for other problems as well. 90% efficiency and 19 times cheaper. It would be incredible! For those of you who don’t know, ASHA means hope. Hope for millions of TB patients. But to me it can be even more: hope for millions of others who need services, all over the world. Our last miles must become cheaper and more efficient. ASHA’s results in applying the science of delivery give rise to real hope that this can happen.” Read More
Country Director, World Bank, India