Shashi Buluswar
Dahlberg Global Development Advisors
Shashi came to the U.S. as a student in 1987 and earned a bachelors degree from Goshen College in Indiana, an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, and a PhD from the University of Massachusetts. The U.S. government granted Shashi permanent residency in 1998 as an “alien of outstanding ability” for his contributions to science.
After completing his education, Shashi taught at Northwestern University for three years, and entered the corporate sector in 2000, including 5 years at the global consulting firm McKinsey. Throughout his career, Shashi has remained dedicated to social and charitable causes. He serves on the Council for Human Rights Watch and is currently co-heading a global advocacy effort to ban cluster bombs (he was selected as a delegate at the final negotiations on the Global Treaty to Ban Cluster Munitions in Dublin in June, 2008).